Monday, November 9, 2009

1) Work and Play are Important in Our Lives. Next to WORK, write at least 10 words you associate with work.Next, write PLAY/Hobbies, and write at least 10 words you associate with play. WORK-money, factory, day job, pay, car, business, task, striving, stress, undertaking, effect. PLAY-games, sports, golf, baseball, swimming, snowmen, snow fight, football, hiking, fishing.

2) Below are FOUR descriptions of jobs. Rank these in order of appeal from Most Appealing to Least Appealing. B,A,C,D

a) Secure but rather dull job. You will always be sure of having your job and getting salary raises. It is possible to build excitement into the job if you are imaginative enough, but that will take a lot of effort.

b) Exciting but very risky job. You are never sure from one month to the next whether you will have a job. You will learn a great deal in this job and are always being challenged, but the uncertainties cause you to worry.

c) Prosperous this is a job where you can learn a lot, attain prestige, and have a great deal of power and responsibility. You are so busy earning money, however, you do not have a lot of time to spend with friends and family.

d) Free time and Fringe Benefits. This job is the least demanding of all the jobs. The pay is low, and you do not learn very much that is new to you. You arrange your working hours to suit yourself and only work about 30 hours a week.

3) Would you work if you did not have to? Why or Why Not? What would you do with your spare time if you did not have to work. Yes, the world revolves around money.

4) In your blog, rank these sources of work satisfaction from Most Important to Least Important.


5) Also, include in this blog entry (if you have not done this already)
What was your three letter code?
Where the top three jobs that were suggested to you?
Did you think that the SDS was a useful tool?

Do a google search for "Career Tests", "Personality Tests", or other combinations.

Find at least two sites that have free and useful career tests.

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