Monday, October 26, 2009

1) What is unique about an equilibrium price?
an equalibrium price is where the lines cross an sometimes isn't isnt a point on the lines
2) What situation can lead to excess demand?
when the price is low and supply is low also
3) How is a price floor different than a price ceiling?
the price floor is where the least amount to charge to make a profit the price celing is how muchto charge before people stop buying
4) What are the benefits and drawbacks of rent control?
gives families housingf they could otherwises not afford. the supply would run out
5) Explain how the equillibrium price and quantity sold of eggs will change in the following cases:

a) An outbreak of food poisoning is linked to eggs.
it will change down because people will think their eggs are contaminated
b) Scientists breed a new kind of chicken that lays twice the amount of eggs in a week
the quanity would increase and price a bit
c) UFC heavyweight champ Brock Lesnar endorses eggs as a great source of protein and attributes his success to eating lots of eggs.
people that know this guy would buy twice as many eggs to become like this guy

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