Monday, September 28, 2009

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


the golf team got crushed yesterday. 555 to 438. today im gonn try not to studder when i ask this girl out.. last friday i got shot down but just get back up. me and my friends went to the riverside street and shouted "Harvey" to riverside cars.

Quickly List the Last Five Purchases you made. What made you buy each one?

last time i bought some thing it was a new sourround sound. Bose. it costed $600 but i didnt want to settle for the RCA or Sony.
new shoes nike
new tv panisonic
new bike tries
a laptop, all with my paycheck i saved "i probally should have bought a car"

Develop a list of at least 10 items (goods or services) that are in great demand.What do these items have in common?

xbox, ps3, video games, cameras, tvs, computers, electronics
they all are electronics.

Cite an example from your life where the substitution effect was in place, then cite an example where is the income effect will be in place.

insted of coke i got an arizona

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


What is the difference between a good and a service?
good is something that can be used or bought, service is someone heling you.

Why is the idea of scarcity a starting point for economic thinking?
the more scarse something is the more valueable it is.

How is scarcity different from shortages?Describe the three factors of production.
shortage is when there was alot now there is a little. Labor, product, place to mae it

What role do entrepreneurs play in the economy?
They start the economy and give people a way to get a job and sell the good